I don’t want to read 1984 anymore
Is it 2023 I’m living in?
Or have I woken up again
In 1984
Before Marty McFly appeared at my door
In his Calvin Kleins
Are we all travelling back in time?
What parts am I to remember?
What parts am I meant to forget?
That’s history
It cannot be erased from my memory
It cannot be removed and rebuilt
Like pieces of plastic in a Lego factory
Shiny, colourful and dark
That is all embedded in our hearts
In every living cell
We cannot be held accountable
Yet, we need to know
That is what history has shown
So please, don’t rewrite each blooded verse
We need to remember the touch of our own dirt
To taste the tears of unbelievable hurt
We need to stand tall
Remembering our text books
The real films of how war looks
We will rebuff
Lego pieces definitely is not a good look
Or burnt or rewritten books
We are our own sculptors
That cannot be broken by a plastic brick or a flimsy paper post it
History is in our blood
Running deep and thick
Not written on a flimsy yellow paper post it
As I sit in my ra-ra-skirt
Reading 1984
I know it is only fiction
Yet, who let go of the history ball
Did we all let history fall?
When did it become a Lego plastic brick wall
Covered in flimsy, yellow paper post its
This rewritten history that will not stick
No matter how much you stir and mix
History is not a bag of conjuring tricks
History is made of solid bricks
Where it runs in our deep, thick blood
We are its living, breathing sculptures
So when I wake from this nightmare dream
I once again will be living
In 2023
Making new history
Keeping my treasured history behind me
Yet, I will still see it directly in front of me
I will be in 2023
Not in this erase and replace reality
With a Lego brick plastic wall
With yellow paper post its that will fall
As it’s not history at all
I don’t want to read 1984 anymore