A Dash of Smoke
Laughter went up in a puff of smoke
We’re no longer able to tell ordinary jokes
The word woke now commonly used
Maybe, too often abused
The old jokes have got the moody blues
Old jokes
Old news
A simple joke
Now totally misunderstood
Too woke
Laughter, comedy and mime
Now have to be kept in a straight line
Now jokes can jump out of line
Instead, all stand to attention
To be vetted and passed
The days of natural laughter and smiles are long past
Only tears fall on a clown’s face
His place in comedy now temporarily misplaced
If it carries on at this pace
Comedy will soon be erased
We will only have a straight face
Memories cannot be misplaced
Laughter lines should be on everyone’s face
A beaming smile on the lonely clown’s face
Don’t let humour and laughter blow up in our face
Out of a sprinkle of goodwill and a dash of smoke
Comes a wonderful joke