Shrinkage and Inflation
Shrinkage and inflation
Really is affecting this great nation
As we trawl the shops
Variety and choice has sadly been lost
Politicians have forgot
About the ordinary people with a small budget
Necessities have increased
Inflation is the true beast!
Politicians, reduce it please!
The ordinary person on the street
Can no longer feast
The shrinkage is seen on my plate
I hope this is not the world’s fate
Our food now has a sour and bitter taste
As I eat my miniature food
The knives, forks and spoons
Have been reduced too!
I feel like Alice through the looking glass
Remembering my home
Instead of being a giant in a small rabbit hole
Or Dorothy tapping her red sparkling shoes
Asking to go home!
To the home she once remembered
Before the world changed
Instead of a world where politicians noses continue to grow
From the seeds they sow
Inflation grows
Shrinkage is a new, overused word
One we wish we’d never heard
Unfortunately, now a reality
As I eat my miniature fish and chips
As a teaspoon is now my cup of delicious tea
I have my seat at the Mad Hatters Tea Party
In this unreal reality
Will someone please catch me!
I tap my red shoes
I wish and I wish
Eyes shut tight
I want to return to a pre-covid world
Before the world’s imagination unfurled
Before madness took over the world