A slice of magic glass
Looking at the big TV screen
How do the small people fit in?
I touch the warm glass
Pixels of moving colours is all we see
Are actors and presenters just computer imagery?
Showing us how to make a cup of loose leaf aromatic tea
Through this slice of magic glass
We see the strange but surprisingly wonderful world
We see moving bright coloured pictures
With no reel of film
Different angles
Different view
Saved on the big TV screen
On a cloud in TV space
Press record
Press play
Finished watching
Press erase or delete
All done by remote control
While we sit in the same familiar comfy seat
A couple of hundred channels to hip hop across
Many we look at but we don’t really see
A few channels we really watch
On this magic screen
So much information to take in
So much laughter
So much sadness
So much cookery
Our own cinema in our front room
As we continue to look at the TV screen
If I go behind the magic TV screen
What will happen to me?
Will I shrink like Alice?
Will I be stuck forever in this magic slither of glass?
Will someone be watching me?
Thinking how do all these small people fit in?
The big slither of glass that is the TV screen