The Big Picture
As we are glued to our seats
Awaiting the cotton spool
Awaiting for the picture to be sewn
Awaiting the cross-stitch
What colours and picture will appear
The cotton spool is beginning to unfurl
I hear the spool spinning around
As we sit in our seats
A picture begins to come to life
A stitch here and there
The spool spinning faster
A rhythm and beat to this art
We witness
Glued to our seats
A stitch and a different cotton colour
A change in stitch
The picture is coming nearer to me
The freehand stitch is now 3D
The big picture is now so real
With each cotton spool
On the camera reel
The picture changes
So noisy changing the cotton spool
This picture so industrial
The picture nearly at an end
Forever remembered
Forever engrained
The big picture sewn with compassion
The picture now clear to see
We are just a stitch
We are just a shimmer of colour
We are just a small part
The Big Picture
Picture by Craft to Life