Tin Bath Aeroplane Balloon
Flying in a tin bath with wooden wings
A flying aeroplane
Held up by macramé ropes
Tied up in strong sailing knot’s
Holding everything up in the cloudy puff sky
A glass fish bowl with a pink fish
Swirling around his large glass bowl
The tin bath aeroplane driven by someone dressed like Biggles
He’s twisting the tin bath taps
Navigating left, right or straight on
Catching the northeast wind
Keeping high in this blue sky with cushions of powder puff clouds all around
Biggles looks down at the ancient town
Higher than brown tiled rooftops
Making sure the aeroplanes propeller spins around
Keeping this bath tin fish bowl balloon floating
The fish spinning around
Taking in the panoramic views
Seeing in the distance a wild sea and lighthouse
Travelling at so many knots
Biggles doesn’t want to be lost
Biggles doesn’t want to stop