Steam Punk Girl and Ant Eater
Steam Punk girl with her hat with goggles and Ant Eater her travel companion
Swirling around in a bath tub
Their steam punk transport
Steaming red hot
Clunkety clunky clunk
Plunkety plunky plunk
Travelling through time
Swirling through galaxies
Steam and noise
They don’t know where in time
Swirling around in a bath tub
Where it will land
Steaming red hot
Clunkety clunky clunk
Plunkety plunky plunk
Travelling through time
Swirling through diamond stars
Planets of emeralds and sapphires
Ruby red moons
A rich massive cluster of jewels
Steaming red hot
Clunkety clunky clunk
Plunkety plunky plunk
Travelling through time
Steam and noise
Out of time and space
Their minds and thoughts whirling swirling
As they travel in time in this glistening outer space
The bath tub hot full of steam punk
Not knowing if it is real or a dream?
Swirling around in a bath tub
Where it will land
Steaming red hot
Clunkety clunky clunk
Plunkety plunky plunk
Travelling through time
Not wanting to end their dynamic journey
Laden with every jewel in outer space
Spinning so fast
Glistening colours mingles with the shining dark skies
They only see sparkling jewels in their headspace
Eyes open wide as they fly
Only thought the best adventure of a lifetime
Steaming red hot
Clunkety clunky clunk
Plunkety plunky plunk
Travelling through time