The Red Onion and the Steel Grater
The red onion and the steel grater
Shouldn’t really be friends
Yet, the red onion and steel grater hold hands
They go for romantic walks across the kitchen sides
They weigh themselves on the kitchen scales
They have a ride on the silver teaspoons
They ballroom dance with the colourful spinning whisks
As the silver spoons play the accompanying music
The knives and forks come out to see
The elegant dancing on the centre island
What a wonderful sight to see!
The fruit and veg come out to see this unusual party
Joined by chocolate fudge pieces and the excited popping candy
She couldn’t contain her delight
She just couldn’t stop
Pop, pop, pop
The lights did dim
In a moment the kitchen activities cleared
Leaving red onion and steel grater holding hands
They know they shouldn’t really be friends
Yet, everyone knows the tin opener and the tin cans are also the best of friends
Unusual friendships never end