The amazing tree
Someone bought me an amazing tree
It didn’t grow fruit
It didn’t have flowers
It wasn’t made of gold
It wasn’t made of honey
Unfortunately, it didn’t grow money
Or rain golden coins
It didn’t shed gold flowers or leaves
It didn’t blow in the breeze
It’s pollen didn’t make you sneeze
It’s an amazing tree
My amazing tree was made of love
It was there to comfort me
I always had something sweet to eat with my cup of tea
My friends and I could pick many delights off the tree
When feeling down
It lifted our spirits
When feeling good
It helped us celebrate
It is an amazing tree
It has brought happiness to my friends and me
Your curious about my amazing tree
It has a plant pot of plain digestive
Stalks of green chocolate covered fingers
The flowers are jammie dodgers
A few chocolate chip cookies
Viscount mint chocolate biscuits
Lastly Fox’s crunch creams
I told you this was an amazing tree
I pick its biscuits
In no time they are replaced
It is truly an amazing scrumptious tree
My amazing tree
You could not dream it
The comfort of a biscuit tree
It brings to all who eat it
Also those calories, chocolate, jam, creams and sweet aroma and bright colours
It doesn’t matter
It makes people happy
My amazing tree that someone thought enough of me
To give me this amazing biscuit tree
A big thank you to Nicola Jayne Mills, Artist for your inspiration
Entitled Biscuit Wednesday!
Van Gogh sunflower biscuits J