Stuck in a Story
Stuck in a story
Unable to escape
The scene on the page
I tried to escape the four corners of the page
The page wouldn’t let me out
In its rage
The page turned another page
Sandwiched me in between
The pages of the story
I tried to escape
I could only pick up a word
Now leaving a space
A word I could not replace
Ink on my hands
I thought, if I draw a door
I drew a door from the top to bottom of the page
In my frustration
The page shut the door in my face
I try to escape this story
I move to the other side of the page
I’m stuck in a picture frame
If I draw a hammer
I may be able to escape
I took the nails out of the door
The door fell on the page floor
I was swished
I got up
There still was no escape
Stuck in a story page
No means of escape
Covered in ink
A vital word missing from the story page
Stuck in a picture scene
A picture frame surrounding me
If only I could rewrite the book
I tried so hard
I rewrote every word
It didn’t matter how it did end
Every time I was stuck in a story book
In a picture frame on the page
Yet, the vital word was always missing
From the end, middle or beginning
I was stuck in a story with no escape
I drew so many things to escape
Scissors, rope, a pencil and an eraser
It did not work
I couldn’t write the missing vital word
I know it sounds absurd
I’m stuck on a page in a story book
In a picture frame scene
Missing the vital word
With ink on my hands
Stuck in a story
Unable to escape
The scene on the page
I tried to escape the four corners of the page
The page wouldn’t let me out
I tried to shout out loud
I even wrote help
I’m stuck in a story
Unable to escape
The scene on the page
I tried to escape the four corners of the page
I have to face it
I’m stuck in a story
Unable to escape the scene on the page