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A Dark Story Fairytale

Writer's picture: ToriaToria

A Dark Story Fairytale

Another dark story fairytale has only just begun

It feels like we have lived in a falsehood story fantasy land

Everyone being very, very good

Everyone being very, very kind

A big shadow of evil has just covered this good land

Those close to the King are playing false and devious hands

As they are vying for his unobtainable crown

They all have stretched out their grabbing hands trying to reach the crown

The King is strong and he will not be easily pulled or taken down

For he will fight to hold onto his precious crown

As like dominoes, these weak and devious turncoats fall dramatically down

The King will not let his land down

As it is such an unstable, dark time in fantasy story land with chaos inside and outside the vast lands

Madness has covered this good and kind fantasy story land

Jesters constantly yap yapping on

A long day and longest night for the lonely brave King

It is bedtime now in fantasy story land

This dark fantasy story fairytale has only just got started

I do not know yet, how this dark fantasy story fairytale will end

The King still holds his crown in his hands

Too many turncoats fell on their treacherous swords

The Kings hands were tied and bound

Unfortunately, the King could no longer sustain his position

These weak turncoats have got their own way

The King will give up his precious crown today

Time for these weak turncoats to play their own game

Who will be the next King?

It is a very dark day in story fairytale land

Yet, the old King promises of a golden future

The dark story fairytale continues on …….

It has only just begun



The Knockout Contest

The dark story fairytale continues on with these weak turncoats fighting to be King

Jousting every day

These turncoats numbers quickly reduced

Some just rightly fade away

Lying through their chattering teeth

Vying for the King’s crown

With words and bribery turning turncoats around and around

Promises these weaklings do not have the courage or presence to keep

Turning on each other with their verbal knives

Periodically stabbing jibes

Yap yap yak yak

Hearing their fake promises echoing back

The knockout contest

The dark fairytales continue on….

It has only just begun



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