Psychedelic Butterflies
Psychedelic butterflies
I see the enticing picture on the wall
I just stand and stare
I eventually fall
Into the land of psychedelic fluttering butterflies
A butterfly feels like a soft velvet cushion
As I gradually softly fall
The psychedelic butterflies cushion my fall
I wonder when I will eventually stop
Butterfly wings catching my fall
I feel a little bit queasy
The bright colours all gradually merge and then quickly disperse
I catch the scent of the wild velvet flowers
I see the surrounding deep purple darkness
In psychedelic velvet cushion land
I touch the psychedelic butterflies in my quivering hand
As I eventually land
I just stand and stare
At the psychedelic butterfly picture
Maybe, I was there?
Maybe, I wasn’t there?
Psychedelic Butterflies