Kooky Spooky Autumnal Night
As the leaves fall gently off, the withered trees
I ungraciously sneeze
As I feel the cool, autumn breeze
The atmosphere is darkly spooky
Ghosts and ghouls are all around
As I see the scariest pumpkin lantern
I’ve ever found
Is it Halloween?
Or a scary autumnal night?
The witches with broomsticks, may come out tonight
As it rains orange, golden and auburn crispy crunchy leaves
On this kooky spooky night
Where bats might take flight
On this autumnal night
Or is it just fright night?
Whatever it is, it is a memorable delight
I won’t forget this kooky spooky autumnal night
I ungraciously sneeze
As the leaves fall gently off, the withered trees
As I feel the cool, autumn breeze
V L Puckering aka Naked Poet©️2023