Trick or Treat?
Witches flying on old broomsticks
Very quick
Talking magic cauldrons
Frightening ghoulish ghosts
Who scares us all the most?
The haunted cobwebbed house
Spellbinding wizardry books
Popping velvet pink and purple pumpkins
Potions and eccentric scented lotions
Witches black crumpled hats
Screaming ancient cats
Zombies, skinny skeletons and monsters
Trick or treat?
Too sweet
Is this Halloween?
Is this Halloween?
Too sweet
Trick or treat?
Zombies, skinny skeletons and monsters
Screaming ancient cats
Witches black crumpled hats
Potions and eccentric scented lotions
Popping velvet pink and purple pumpkins
Spellbinding wizardry books
The haunted cobwebbed house
Who scares us all the most?
Frightening ghoulish ghosts
Talking magic cauldrons
Very quick
Witches flying on old broomsticks
V L Puckering aka Naked Poet©️2023