A glass bottle of milk
A glass bottle of milk is smooth and cool
Fragile as a smooth piece of Venetian cut glass
A bottle of milk has such a naturally beautifully curved ass
You are so wonderfully versatile
Custard, ice cream, beautiful butter, pancakes and so many more dishes
We can only but dream
A pure, innocent tasty drink
Only when you decide to turn sour
We pour you down the kitchen sink
That is when you especially stink
When we stop to think
The wonderment of a glass bottle of milk
We try not to spill
We keep you in the fridge
This is where a fresh bottle of milk lives
When the delicious milk is finally gone
We recycle
Your beautifully curved ass glass milk bottle
But this was a long time ago
Before the new recycled giant plastic milk bottle
Will never be as sophisticated or beautiful as you
A stylish elegant glass milk bottle
Apart from when we dropped you
Into smithereens
You went in the bin
A glass bottle of milk’s unfortunate ending
V L Puckering aka Naked Poet©️2023