Trigger warnings
Winter Pride 2022
Yes, it did come to the last day
Cloud and haze
Mixed with a cool sea breeze
Gran Canaria
Winter Pride 2022
We have a balcony view
The crowd’s are in the street
Many sights, we have already seen
Drag Queens, nurses, sailors, white angels, Red Devils, Romans and Caesars
Some only wearing naughty aprons
No knickers
Before the Parade
Only setting the scene of this unique stage
The people fill the streets
We join the street
The glamorous buses are who we meet
Like a swarm of twenty thousand ants
Dressed in rainbow pants and wings
So many scenes of happiness
Unable to describe
A happiness high
It is hard to wave goodbye to this magnificent scene
Now in the Yumbo
Bright lights
Mayday DJ has the stage
An unforgettable day
Winter Prides Flags unfurled
Many cultures of world
Become one
In this outrageous, festival of good humoured fun
Holiday, almost done