Let’s Paint the World a Rainbow
Let’s paint the world a rainbow
Paintbrushes and brushstrokes of the world unite
Painting the world everyday and into the dark shades of night
Blinded by the mingling mixture of bright fluorescent colours
The world is looking at me
I need my dark shades to see
Rainbow colours shining bright throughout the world
Day or night diversity of the world unite
The world is no longer just black or white
Dark or light
Definitely, not flat
The world stands out
It is 3D
I definitely won’t fall off!
I definitely won’t miss it!
It is splattered, splurged, mixed and mingled
Different brushstrokes
Different textures
Different shades
None exactly the same
Brand new colours to be found
A muse of birds travelling this delightful world
A new ever changing world to explore
All I want is to paint, splurge or splatter this fascinating world some more
I want to leave it much brighter than it ever was before
I will always want to paint some more!