When Humans Ruled the World
A distant memory
When humans ruled the world
Until the day the world turned inside out
Us humans were truly spat out
Someone changed the film
Pressed replay
Humans are the ants today
Like the Matrix and The Terminator films
We are the obedient humans
Told where to go
How to live
Big Brother is alive and kicking
No place to hide
Everywhere a watching machine eye
We are erased
We are rewound
We are replayed
Spoon fed everyday
Until it becomes real
As we keep in line
No home of our own
No money of our own
We human ants are state owned
Living in a sci-fi film
Only a figment of our imagination
An elaborate hallucination
When the humans ruled the world
Until the world turned inside out
Us humans were spat out
Someone changed the film
Pressed replay
Humans are the ants today
We planted the seeds of our own demise
Humans let the machines rise
Blinded by our own genius
The machines one day ruled us
We took our eyes off the ball
The machines learnt so quick
Us human ants living in a sci-fi flick
Someone change the film
Until the world turns inside out
The humans pluck Big Brothers mechanical eye out
The sci-flick does flip
Change the film quick
When the machines ruled the world
A distant memory