Upside down World
Upside down world
The swirling madness of life unfurls
You want to go that way
You end up going this way
Your left is right
Right is left
Forward is backwards
Backwards is forwards
Down is up
Up is down
You try to stand up
Upside down is where you end up
Blood to the head
Stimulation tenfold
Dizziness and whizziness
Swirling around
Walking on the ceiling
Trying to catch the floor
Doors open outwards
Or swing inwards and hit your face
You don’t know which way the door swings anymore
Inside to outside
Outside to inside
Our mind plays tricks
Everyday we see the opposite
Surrounded by illusions, confusion and instinct is best
Optical illusions
Colours and confusion
Bright light
Darkness of night
Do you see too
The world is full of curious, peculiarities, scientific and natural
The wondrous of us and the endless mindless possibilities yet to be uncovered
This upside down mind blowing world
We inhabit
Every day mysteries and discoveries waiting to be revealed
This upside down world
Your Fully Clothed Poet