The World is Upside Down
- Reverse Poetry
(Version 1)
The world is upside down
Wrong way around
I am lost
I am found
That poetic sound rings in my ear
They sing to me
The words find a way through
To me
To you
The words are black and white
Moving quick
I do not have time to think
My hand just writes this flow of words
Conducted by the pain
Words and pain flowing to my hurting brain
No time to think
Spontaneous ink
Overwhelmed with too much pain
Poetry my distraction
The world is upside down
Wrong way around
I am lost
I am found
(Version 2)
I am found
I am lost
Wrong way around
The world is upside down
Poetry my distraction
Overwhelmed with too much pain
Spontaneous ink
No time to think
Words and pain flowing to my hurting brain
Conducted by the pain
My hand just writes this flow of words
I do not have time to think
Moving quick
The words are black and white
To you
To me
The words find a way through
They sing to me
That poetic sound rings in my ear
I am found
I am lost
Wrong way around
The world is upside down