Tomcat and Kitty-cat
A Topiary Furrytail
In my dreams
I could never have dreamt you
Yet when I saw you
My handsome Tomcat
My Tomcat with rich green prickly fur
I knew right then
We are destined forever to be a pair
You tried to reach me from up there
On your high castle stonewall
You tried to reach down to me
Yet my handsome Tomcat
You’re stuck on the castle stonewall for eternity
My paws could not move
I could not reach you
Life is so incredibly cruel
Our whiskers never to move
I could only purr and stare at you
You only saw me too
You purred
I was a beautiful
If I could have blushed
I would have
My rich green prickly fur would have turned deep blood red
We are destined to never quite kiss
Instead to look at my Tomcat is just bliss
My Tomcat
My Prince of his castle stonewall
He purred
I am his purrfect Princess Kitty-cat
This is a love story of Tom and Kitty
A topiary furrytail
The impurrfect purrfect furrytail
A furrytail of two cats
Picture Stream of Art