Time Stood Still
I found a golden key on the floor
It opened the door
No longer a corridor
A glass lift with no floor
My feet holding onto gravity
I heard noises above, below and next to me
I looked again
Cobbled streets with old fashioned street lights
The golden flame shone on the hobbled cobbles
Down this ongoing street
Many unusual and interesting characters did I meet
The man with his bowler hat selling newspapers
I bought one
The year 1925
I was suddenly dressed as flapper
Feeling a little wheezy or was it queasy
I am dancing in the flamboyant speakeasy
I fall to the floor once more
Caught in a basket
All I see is golden ribbons above me
A burning flame
As I stand I see the earth below me
A golden balloon above me
My handsome companion
Who was he?
Forever a mystery
I hold the golden key
I take in the everlasting scenery
Night into day
No sense of time
I fall asleep
I drop my golden key
I found a golden key on the floor
It opened the door
I was back at the start once more
Time stood still
The golden key
Is just for me