Bygone Times
Bygone times
Bygone days
Someone’s memory
Now passed down for every generation to remind and to tell
So unbelievable
It will never seem real
When Christmas Stockings were your normal sock hung on a bedhook
An apple and a clementine blew your mind
To receive a simple toy brought such unbelievable joy
If you were naughty
A bag of cinders is all you received
When food tasted so deliciously good
Even juicy fat was so naturally tasty and good for you
So mouth watering and amazing sweet aroma
We hardly experience this beautiful taste today
When people believed ships would never sail under water (a submarine)
When people believed tunnels would never be built under the deep seas or ginormous bridges built over many seas
When people believed iron planes would never fly
When motor cars and motorbikes were just invented
Slowly taking over from wonderful horses
A new mechanical horsepower
Living to see mankind visit the moon and space
How can you ever imagine or even contemplate
When in the First World War
Soldiers from both sides
Prayed to the same god
Each Sunday
On Christmas morning
Playing a friendly game of football
Only to fight each other?
In this most horrific and most deadly war of all
It is hard to imagine at all
A time I could not begin to know
How very hard and yet wonderful time to live
I could never reach out and touch
I could never live, experience and feel
I am so privileged
To experience a small insight through my Grandad’s amazing eyes
This is a just a smidgeon of his long life
We are so privileged today in our lives
An apple and a clementine once blew my Grandad’s mind
My Grandad lived through the most innovating and life changing times
Most scary and wonderful times
He witnessed amazing progress in his lifetime
Now we fast forward
If my Grandad were here today
He would witness progress stopped or going somewhat backwards
Yet in many ways we still continue to progress
What is next in our history?
Bygone time
Bygone days
That will be us one day
Someone’s memory
Now passed down for every generation to remind and to tell