The World is Cruel and yet Beautiful
The world is not just black and white
Not as straight as a dime
The world isn’t flat
No need to grip on by our fingertips
We won’t go over the edge into the abyss
It’s okay to drink red claret wine
There are much bigger things in life
Than split red wine on a cream fluffy carpet
The world is grey
The world is colourful
We fear what we can’t see
Confusion, illusion and delusion
Hardly using money
Soon we won’t hold it in our hardworking hands
Money will be just a number in our bank account
Numbers slowly going down and down
What we could touch
What was tangible
Those moments will soon be a distant fond memory
Shops just whisked away
Here one day
Gone the next
Online is becoming the new forced norm
Wonders of the world we may never see
Travelling so hard
Advancements adventure seems such a big distant dream fantasy
Sometimes it feels like we are on rewind
Concord already lost
Space travel on hold
Travel now so risky, scary and bold
Move forward
Then rewind
Then rewind
Scary to think feel and touch will be lost in some past time
Don’t let the old norm be a fond distant memory
Don’t be blind
We can still hear, smell, touch and see
Remember what simple things we loved
At the time simple things seemed nothing much
Now simple things mean so very much
The world is not just black and white
Not as straight as a dime
The world isn’t flat
No need to grip on by our fingertips
We won’t go over the edge into the abyss
The world is grey
The world is colourful
The world is cruel and yet beautiful