The World has gone off the rails
Has the world gone off the rails
Lost all common sense
When will woke end?
Are we to become electric men?
Soon we will no longer remember how to write
As I count my meagre pennies every night
I wonder will they stretch?
As the price of food and goods go up
My pennies are simply not enough
My two pound pint
I used to love
Now I miss so much
The world feels so unloved
Things used to be in black and white
Now covered in multiple shades of grey
Every day confusion
Every day something new
Soon, will I be able to afford fossil fuel?
Will I be driving a big electric plug?
I do not love
I feel misplaced
The world is in a black hole haze
It feels hard to communicate
I no longer know what to say
Wokeism won’t get its own way
We need to shoo it far away
As my meal shrinks in front of my face
I do not know this place
We have come off the well trodden path
Confusion and delusional
I want the world to turn around
So common sense is a spoken common ground
Where wokeism is crushed to death?
Where the black haze becomes clear blue
Where I can just speak to you
Without fear of offending you
Remember those times when we used talk
As we tremble and fall
On Earth’s uneven walls
Wokeism will one day fall
Our voices will be heard once more