The Skeleton Hillbillies Band
Howdy you spirited folks!
I’d like to introduce you to our Skeleton Hillbillies Band
I’d like to shake you by the hand
While we play our violins and bows
You can do the do-si-do
Around the broken tombstone
Grab your gal’s boney hand
Listen to the Skeleton Hillbillies Band
As you hold hands
Dancing around the scary and dark graveyard
Playing our violin and bows
Playing our country tunes
You can do the do-si-do
Toe to toe
Don’t let her go
Swinging around the Adams Family tombstone’s
Awakening those ghosts, monsters and vampires
Doing the monster horror march
Now we are back at the beginning
Now we are back to the start
Monsters, ghosts and vampires
Spooky spirits appear
Do-si-do around Frankenstein’s tombstone
Our do-si-do dance is now done
That’s all folks!
We were the Skeleton Hillbillies Band!
Remember take your gal by the hand
See you next time at the Graveyard Dance!
Happy Halloween you spirited folks!