The Nelson Merry Band
The merry band
Taking each other by the hand
Fun and laughter a daily regime
This heavenly dream
Nana and Grandad head this merry band
Grandad takes his glasses off
Head in his hands
60 stirs of strawberry blancmange
Do not talk or he will have start counting again
Nana so special
I have heard wonderful tales
Of her cookery
Plants and flowers
Uncle John with the Hull Daily Mail history newspapers and millions of cups of tea
Uncle Tony with his pile of books
Also had a wonderful singing voice
A professional singer he could have been
Auntie Jackie with her knitting machine and her tending her beautiful garden supreme
Auntie Jackie plays the organ
In this family master class
Uncle Rob puffing the cushions and clearing away cups
You can’t sit down without a puffed up pillow
Quick and discreet
You nearly fall off your feet
Auntie Jean made the best mince pies
Uncle Harold his beautiful woodwork
Their amazing caravan
Most have been the smallest in the land
Auntie Mag her artistic flare
Auntie Gladys a ripe old age
Is young again in this heavenly play
I know they will have fun and laughter today
Uncle Rob has just joined this merry parade
The merry band just grabbed his hands
The merry band parties on in this heavenly dream