The Old Tin Barrel Steam Boat
The old tin barrel steam boat
Steady, as she just floats
Me and three yellow ducks
The only passengers
As I take a look
I need to catch the one escaping duck
I daren’t look
I stand carefully up
This old tin barrel does chug along
It isn’t as much fun
Now the shining sun has gone
The old tin barrel steam boat chugs along
The old tin barrel steam boat chugs along
Now the shining sun has gone
It isn’t as much fun
This old tin barrel does chug along
I stand carefully up
I daren’t look
I need to catch the one escaping duck
As I take a look
The only passengers
Me and three yellow ducks
Steady, as she just floats
The old tin barrel steam boat
V L Puckering aka Naked Poet©️202
No claim to image credit to unknown artist