The House on the Moon
I saw the most perfect house
Just a little out of my reach
A tempting rope ladder hangs down
I so wanted to reach the rope ladder
Just within my grasp
The house on the moon moved too soon
So simple and beautiful
So welcoming with the world as it's panoramic view
So warm with a bright yellow burning light
How I wish I could sleep in the comfy warm bed in the house on the moon
Night and day
The moon would carry me on it's never ending journey
The moon in shades of light and dark with Jackson Pollock splattered sparkling diamond stars
Light up the beautiful deep black darkness
The moon and earth in the galaxy painted by a rainbow palette
The beautiful house on the moon
Always out of my grasp
The house on the moon will be a dream I can never own
I have to make a dream of my very own
No one can own the beautiful house on the moon
Earth is our home
We can only look in wonderment at the mysterious house on the beautiful moon
The Jackson Pollock splattered sparkling diamond stars that surrounds
The house on the moon