The Elaborate Suit
As I travel through the wheels of time
Jumping through circles of time
Looping the millions of continual loops
I know my elaborate suit
Looks odd with a bit of steampunk infused
My hat with the all seeing eye
Sees past, present and future times
My hat sees everything
My shiny armour hidden underneath my living jacket
The eyes on my sleeves
Look above and below me
There is nothing those pair of all seeing eyes do not note
My living suit adjusts as I walk through time
So organic
Made up from so many mythical creatures
Sewn together with rivers of golden spinning threads
My ombré hair continually changes colour
As I travel through the beautiful colours of time
Don’t try to get too close
For I am just a figment of your wild imagination
Disappearing through the continual loops of time
In a moment
You won’t remember me
The man who looked a bit odd with the steampunk infused living suit
The elaborate suit