Someone’s Unbirthday
Today we celebrate our unbirthday
We continually eat our unbirthday cake
Slurping our never ending drinks
We play musical chairs
The White Rabbit is always unfashionably late
At this continual tea party
Someone always pours tea from the giant teapot
Into never ending tea cups
Spinning saucers on our never ending tea party table
To celebrate our unbirthday
We eat our unbirthday cake
We all have a slice
An amazing flavoured indescribable cake
So magically indescribable
So I won’t even begin to try
Smells so magnificently delicious
This unbirthday cake changes colours and flavours as I eat
My little slither of cake
Gives me a popping candy tongue sensation
Flavours just go boom boom boom
I am losing my mind
I think I’m shrinking
As I eat this unbirthday cake
My cake comes to life
So deliciously light
I have shrunk!
I think?
Was it the unbelievable unbirthday cake?
Every day we must celebrate!
It is always someone’s unbirthday