Trigger warnings
Some sex on toast
Some sex on toast
Some cock in your lovers mouth
A long lingering lick of your dick
You are her butter and jam
She licks her man
A kiss on the lips
She licks his intimate bits
Kisses his chest
He fondles her breasts
Stimulation makes his dick big and swollen
Her legs open wide
He slips cock so easily
In and out
Dip, dip
He is her butter and jam
He’s dipping his toast
He fills her with sweet
Covers her in his butter and jam
He makes her come
She kisses his chest
His hands on her curvy bot
He licks her tits
So cherry sweet
He licks her juices
She is a beautiful piece of toast
He fucks her so
A sweet smell of sex
He fucks her hard
He is her sticky sweet butter and jam
He spreads on his toast
She licks her butter and jam
As she is so good to eat
Some sex on toast
Your Naked Poet