Scarecrow and Scavengers
The strong chorus of chiming winds
Blew and blew
Each and every cobweb away
Blew so hard
The crops swayed to one side
The force of the wind trying to pull them free
The dark fierce sky
The scarecrow on his high pedestal
If he could breathe
His breath would be whisked away
There are no scavenging birds to scare
Already long gone
Before this wild weather began
Battered and bruised
The weather dark and fierce
Scarecrow holding on
Tomorrow this angry dark weather will be gone
Scarecrow will be battered and bruised
Some missing golden straw to replace
Some damaged crops
The world survived the angry weather’s dark fierce face
Scarecrow still scares the scavenger birds away
Scavenger bird’s return to play this ongoing game
Scarecrow and scavenger’s