Real life Reflecting Cinema
As I watch the TV
It is meant to be reality
The presenter is so fake
Real life reflecting cinema
Is she trying to confuse us?
The public can see right through you
A second rate Megan Markel
You need to change your tone
I don’t want to watch your TV program in my home
So please remember your place
You’re meant to be honest and present with grace
Please don’t invade my space
Until you tell the truth
Not some harsh American spiel
From a feel good film
The public are no fools
This reflects on you
Not on me
For soon the egg yolk will be on you
You wasn’t truthful
So in the meantime
I will watch reality
Let the truth into my home
Fake reality programs are not welcome
As I switch over sides
Truth overrides
After witnessing the presenter with crocodile tears in her eyes
You really shouldn’t be surprised
As I watch the TV
I don’t watch fake reality
Only on a cinema reel
Fiction knows it’s place
It has so much more grace
It can invade my space
No reality fakes
Welcome at my place