Pandora’s Box
From being young I was told one day I would know more pain
No one knew I had Fibromyalgia then
Their prophecy did come true
My Pandora’s Box was opened wide
Her light and dark side by side
She was relentless
She did not stop
Unimaginable pain she inflicted on me
For a time she stripped me of my personality, my humour and kindness
Pandora made me into someone else completely
Someone I did not want to be
Depressed and in the dark and filled with pain
Pandora you bitch
You robbed me of friendship
Pandora for over a year you did not stop
Your dark and light every night inflicting pain upon me
I fought you off but you have scarred me
You have increased my pain considerably
My Pandora’s Box is now firmly closed
Pandora was not satisfied
She opened her Box worldwide
Pandora you are a bitch
Pandora we hate the pain you inflict
Pandora you will close your Box
Pandora your light and dark will cease to be
Pandora you did not count on the human race
Pandora’s Box eventually will close
Pandora your light and dark will be enclosed with your cold heart
Pandora’s Box will one day remain closed
For how long no one will ever know