Ocean Drive
As we sit and fidget
The air does stink
As we order our Tacos from Pretty in Pink
A police golf buggy drives by
As the rhythm does sink
The big cars show off and congregate
Their big bomb busters burst
As their beat gets louder
Their engines roar
I have never witnessed so many monster tyre cars before
This is no poetic bliss
Blinded by fluorescent pink
I think me sitting on Ocean Drive
Where these cars think they are the real Hollywood stars
Just show offs in big noisy cars
I’m wondering why?
It’s foreign to me
It can only be in Miami
Put some Lime in the Coconut
Put some lime in the coconut
As we push the ship out
Tomato salsa spurts out
As we coco cabana about
Shake the lime in the coconut
Add a glossy cherry
Pineapple and fresh lime
We have a good time
Puts some lime in the coconut
As we coco Cabana about
As the ship comes in
The band plays
Tomato salsa spurts out
Shake the lime in the coconut
As we coco cabana about
Dishing out red hot pizza
Burning your mouth
Puts some lime in the coconut
As we coco cabana about