Never Ending Sky
I heard the rain crying tears of sadness
The white cottonwool fluffy clouds caught the heavy teardrops
The clouds turned dark grey carrying the heavy raindrops away
The sky went jet black and was so very sad
The sky cried out ever so loud
The thunder roared
The lightning forks
Electric white sparks
The pouring rain became a fierce storm and cried into the muddy ground some more
The hard wind came and blew
The wind so fierce and angry too
The thundering rain become so freezing cold
We could skate on the glistening ice
Followed by the pure white soft crunchy snow
The deep blue clear skies soon appeared
The grey heavy clouds soon disappeared
The golden burning sun
Shone so bright
Melting the beautiful crunchy snow and shining ice
A beautiful rainbow appeared in the bright blue sky
Many beautiful colours shone down
On the now dry ground
The weather was happy
No more tears to cry
The beauty of nature’s never ending sky