23 February 2021
I miss
I try to listen to words
I try to listen to music
The words and music become a blur
The incredible pain it causes me
It bloody hurts
It is easier to read someone’s words
I miss the sound of someone’s voice
I miss the music I can no longer hear
It causes my booming head
Turn the volume down on the TV and radio
I never could have dreamt this two years ago
I miss hearing someone’s voice I don’t even know
I miss music I haven’t heard yet
I can no longer listen to the car radio
All this makes it bloody hard to concentrate
I cannot read a lot
I can write it is usually late at night
Hard to sleep
Nowhere to hide from pain, fatigue and feeling so sick
This is the reason why I write and post so many poems
It distracts from the pain
Thank you as always for reading and being so understanding
I try to live the best I can
At the moment I miss a guiding hand
I also miss fun just like everyone!
There is a lot of positive things I can still do and I drag myself out of bed and push myself to