I’m the Green Alien in my Silver Spaceship
Please don’t lock the door
Let me in to this Earth
I’ve only visited once before
Please don’t lock me out
I want to breathe your fresh air
I want to see the green grass
The blue sky
You may see my silver spaceship flying by
I’ll be the green alien in the moonlit sky
Giving you a wave
As I look down to you from above
I’m an alien with a lot of love to give
The 1960’s was the last time
I visited
I’m still hip
From head to toe
Only now flares are a no go
I still have big moves
Dance, rhythm and beat
I have lots of groovy memories
I caught the Beatles and a glimpse of the King
Bow and courtesy
You must remember me
I’m the green alien in my silver spaceship
You must remember seeing me
You mustn’t shut the door
Don’t lock me out
V L Puckering aka Naked Poet©️2023