Trigger Warning
I’m a Model Tree
I’m intertwined
I can be wine and dined
I stretch from my roots to my flowing leafy hair
I’m so confident
I’m a little minx
I love being naked
Me thinks
I don’t need fancy jewellery, designer dresses or shoes
I’m alive in my rugged bark
Scented flowers are my natural jewels
You can’t take your eyes off me
I’m just posing
As you see my natural curves
I’m a model tree
If the world weren’t so woke
I would pose in The Sun’s page 3
The Tree Daily is where I pose
The Tree Daily isn’t woke you see
That is where you will find me
Roots to my leafy hair
Free thinking trees spread out their branches as we stretch
Planting our roots deep
I have a healthy thirst
I catch the shining sun and raindrops
In winter I feel bare
I’m a little cold
I have strong roots
I do not get bowled over by the winds, storms and snow
I strike a beautiful pose
In summer and spring my hair and flowers bloom
I’m intertwined
I love having a wild time
I love being wined and dined
I’m so confident
I’m a little minx
Me thinks
Your Naked Poet