Fantasy and Emett Land
I’ve never been to this place
Even though it is so reminiscent
It is such a fabulous place
It is familiar
Yet, I’ve never visited
Roland Emett the famous Cartoonist
Roland Emett brought us Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Caractacus Potts and his inventions
Emett Land has a unique cartoon like Emett train
With three amazing cartoonishly carriages
With a lazy cow and a wacky haired engine driver inside the carriages
With a wacky shaped engine
So cartoon like
So colourful and bright
Pink and yellow
They glow in the night
No straight lines
Lots of wacky curves and colours combined
How I would love to ride
That goes around the tracks
There is no beginning
There is no end
Around it goes in Emett Land
This place reminiscent
Even though I’ve never been
I want a ride on this wacky train in Emett Land
I want my ticket to Fantasy Land
It may take me to Emett Land
I want to visit this wacky, colourful land
Where your imagination runs wild
Is embraced and catapulted into a catalyst of imagination, colourful rainbows and sparkles of raindrops
No boundaries applied
Only smile’s, happiness and creativeness supplied
Imaginable imagination
Wacky and wackily extreme
Curves and colours bright like a cartoon
Let’s all clasp and grasp this wonderful dream!
I can’t let go
Can you?
Will you come with me on this wacky journey?
I have one more ticket to Fantasy Land
Just for you
Will you grasp my hand as the flying train with angel wings before it speeds away
We take our seats as the Fantasy Land Express leaves!
Our imagination is just beginning!