Change the Winds of Time
Dorothy! Dorothy! Dorothy!
You have the most amazing brolly
It is truly magical
Dorothy you can change the winds of time
You just hold the peregrine umbrella handle
You just tap your black shiny shoes
You fly to Oz flying over the yellow brick spiralling road
You zap every witch you see!
Striped black and white tights and a pointy hat
Is now is all you see
Leave Oz very quickly!
You zapped every witch north, south, east and west
Every corner of the magical story world
You twist your magical umbrella
Dorothy you can change the winds of time
Leaving Oz and a bumpy bumpy return to storyville magical earth
Almost landing down a dark twisted rabbit hole
Almost landing at an illegal tea party!
Dorothy you know your not allowed to go to those!
Breaking magical earthly storyville rules!
Dorothy you can change the winds of time
You just hold the peregrine umbrella handle
You just tap your black shiny shoes
Poor Dorothy you are so storyvilled illusional delusional!
You are so musically confused!
Dorothy! Alice! Mary!
Flying over London rooftops
Singing over the Houses of Parliament
It is your psychedelic dream
The greatest illusion, delusion and total utter confusion!
You just had the wildest magical time
A storyville musical nightmarish psychedelic dream
Dorothy you have changed the winds of time