Artificial Intelligence Technological Robot
As Atlas no longer holds Earth
On his strong broad shoulders
He has been firmly pushed far away
The God of War has now been sadly replaced
Technological and Artificial Intelligence
Holds the Earth
In its cold steel robotic hands
Are we at the mercy of its commands and continual demands?
As it holds the Earth like an old cannon ball
AI doesn’t care about us humans at all
This AI technological robot just wants it all
As it holds us at its mercy
There is definitely no escape
As we live in this new age AI technological world
It has just unfurled
All around the world
Artificial Intelligence could control us all
It does not care, if we break or fall
This AI Technological robot
Just wants it all
Soon we won’t have any freedom at all
As us humans gradually fail and ultimately fall
Earth will no longer belong to us
AI technological robot will have swallowed all of us humans up
As we wish Atlas still held us up
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