Air Control to all the Aeroplanes
Air Control to all the aeroplanes
Today, it is totally insane
We have lost control of our own planes
Air Control to all the planes in the UK
We cannot let you land today
You do not have clearance
I know it must be a real pain
As all the planes are circling again and again
We hope to soon gain back control
So we can let you land and roll
At the moment, we have no controls
We are waiting for your lights to glow
So I can direct you
To Heathrow Airport
This is Air Control
Our controls have now all lit up
I can see all you aeroplanes
Like a game of aeroplane battleships
Apparently, it was just a computer glitch
Mind the bumpy runway
Yes, you have landed today
Many flights were cancelled and delayed
Many people still stranded
As Air Control have regained our controls
This is Air Control
Planes are now cleared to land
Air Control are now back in command
You’re back in our safe hands
V L Puckering Copyright 2023