A Change of Era
We have left a golden era
We didn’t even realise it
When we were living it
We didn’t even contemplate
We didn’t realise the sudden impact
We didn’t realise we lived in an Elizabethan age
Yet, she moved swiftly along
Yet, we are innovative and progressive
She was our guiding shining light
We have lost the captain of our ship
She steered us through the rough seas and dangerous storms
She would always overcome with her calming words
The darkness becomes light and serene
A multicoloured rainbow gleams
A new captain steers the battered and fractured ship
As we travel in unknown waters and seas
We take a new direction and a different course
A new captain steering the ship
Catching the breeze
The era of Caroline has only just begun
King Charles III has just taken on the baton
Yet, we will always carry a sadly missed little part of our beating heart
She was just born Elizabeth