25 March 2021
My Blog
I write many poems every day
They distract me from my pain
They are my diary
They are my biography
I welcome people into my world
In my world I am Toria
Toria is my poetry
No one gets Victoria that is me
If you don’t understand pain
You cannot understand the nightmares and sleepless nights
Being alone in the middle of the night
My constant headache
The pain that lives in me
No reprieve
No pain killers for me
I cannot have friends or relationships
I have fatigue
Socialising knackers me
People see what they want to see
No one can live with my pain
When my pain is bad
I get scared
No one can imagine unless this happens to you
Friendships is what I am unable to do
My pain is so debilitating
It is becoming so restricting
It is so hard to go to work
Is hard to get out of bed
Getting a shower causes me pain
Especially when the water hits my head
I often want to cry in bed
Fibromyalgia the pain is so bloody bad
I have not mentioned the depression I had
Brain fog that never leaves
Hard to concentrate
My hair now short
It hurts to wash
Do not feel sorry for me people have a lot worse than me
That is not why I write my poetry
If you like my poetry to like is the biggest compliment to me
As always thank you for reading
My Blog