Welcome to my Bubble
Welcome to my bubble
Admission is free
No timeline
No clocks tick tock or rewind
No hands to chime
As I close my tired eyes
Welcome to my imagination of my own creation
There are no closed doors
Only the windows of my mind
Please visit, if you want
You are invited to take a seat
There are no replays or repeats
The tall shadows that walk in the corners of my eye
The patterned wallpaper changes every night
The room seems to gain more walls
I awake
I don’t where I am
This sinister dream carries on
There is no time
Yet, this bubble of my mind
Spins and turns
Some sinister crew
Fairground rides
As my eyes see the checkered floor
In my bed
I forgot the last second
Mind completely wiped
No recognition
My eyes must be rolling
In a deep sleep
As I reach the seabed of my sleep
Turning over rocks and sand
A treasure to find
This theatrical play of my mind
Writes and acts out
Wild and free
No story
No words or lines
Just inconsequential
Confusion, delusion and hallucinations
All quite normal
An alarm rings from the world restricted by time
Or my brain says it is wake up time
No memory of the dream
I once lived
The bubble has burst
Down back to a rocky earth
Bumping into reality
Admission is still free
As I write a poem
About my mind of sleep
Catching my imagination in net of creativity
Welcome to my bubble
Admission is free