True Brain Insanity!
My brain is no longer tame
On occasion, it can be insane
My creativity jumps out of my brain
It has no restraint
Poetic hallucinatory comes to life
My brain overworks and causes me a lot of strife
Too many nightmares become alive
I can almost touch
My mind caught up between fiction and reality
I told you
My creativity comes out and jumps at me
It scares the life out of me
Pain and reality clash!
My brain does miss mash!
Poetic words just bish, bash, bosh!
In this mad process, no words are injured or lost
In this smash of creative process
Brings out a Poetess?
Inked with bleeding words
My jumbled up, hurting brain
Scares me again!
My brain has no restraint
Creativity jumps out at me
My creative self, let’s my words run free
Inking words can be a bit messy
It surprises me
These jumping words with some poetic verse
Give it some welly
This is true brain insanity!