The World is on Automatic Drive
I feel like the world is on automatic drive
The world is driving us by
We no longer have our hands on the gears
We are losing the fight for the steering wheel
Unknown direction we are heading
We are just being driven on
No time to take a pause
I can no longer stop
Someone is pushing this car on
It is definitely not me
There are no gears to grab
I am no longer in control
Someone else is driving
I’m so scared
The car is driving me
I’m terrified
This is the new reality
I didn’t ask for this freewheeling ride
The exhilarator is out of my reach
Someone else has their foot on the gas
I don’t know who
The world is driving me on automatic drive
The world has taken over
I have nowhere to hide
I’m being impacted by events beyond my control
The world has taken over the gears
I want to put on the breaks
I want to take my foot off the gas
The world is freewheeling and we may eventually crash!
I want my car keys
I want my gears back
I want the world to take its foot off the gas
I want the steering wheel
World you are on automatic
This is a really bumpy road
I just have to grab hold
I’m not enjoying this wild unruly ride
I can only hope this automatic drive
Soon subsides
The world is on automatic drive
Twist’s and turns on this bumpy wayward ride
I want to hide
I don’t like this automatic drive
World stop, change gear and slow down
World let us go
Let me drive and take control
The world is automatic on drive
Seatbelts on this unknown twisting and turning road
Automatic drive has taken hold