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The Room

Writer's picture: ToriaToria

The Room

I am in a room with no doors or windows

As I look to the floor there is no trap door

As I look to the ceiling there is no loft

There isn’t a ladder anywhere

There is a table and chair

In the corner a comfy chair with a cushion and foot rest

I stand on the wooden floor boards in my bare feet

They creak and squeak underneath

As I walk around the room

The ceiling is white and so light

As I look to each wall

Too many to count

From floor to ceiling shelves packed full of books

Old and new

First editions too

Every subject you could imagine

I looked through

I didn’t know where to start

I didn’t know where to end

Poetry and English they were a god send

I sat in the comfy chair and started to look

I read quite a few poetry books

In the room with no doors or windows

No outlook

I enjoyed each poetry book

I wondered where I was

I wondered how I got there

I just enjoyed reading my book

I have no idea what hours this all took

I enjoyed the peace and calm and my book

There was a note book and pen

I started to write my poem which became a book

I saw the picture of a library with no doors or windows

I realised where I was

I am in my imagination

I thought you might like to look

In my imagination I can read every book

In my imagination I can write a poetry book

In my imagination there is no time

In my imagination I can sit in my comfy chair

In a room with no doors or windows

No trap door or loft

In a room with too many walls

I cannot count

In the room with no outlook but a room full of books that fill every shelf

I looked up

Someone came into the room

They said they were a Poet

I really hope it was you!

Please visit my imagination again anytime soon!

You are always welcome too!



Copyright © Victoria Puckering, 2019

All rights reserved.

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